Understanding Your Teeth Whitening Options

Understanding Your Teeth Whitening Options

Years of black coffee, red wine, and fruit juices may have slowly discolored your teeth, leaving behind a dull, yellow color. You might even be self-conscious about how your teeth look and want a lasting whitening solution. But there's a lot you'd need to consider for your choice of treatment, including cost, safety, and effectiveness.

Generally, there are two types of teeth whitening, with different methods of execution. They include:

  • Intrinsic whitening. This process relies on a bleaching agent such as hydrogen peroxide to remove the discoloration on the tooth enamel. The procedure also changes the color of your teeth.
  • Extrinsic whitening. This process uses mild abrasives to remove any discoloration stains on your teeth and restore the tooth's natural color.

Luckily, there are different teeth whitening techniques for you to choose from. Below is a list of several options to help you pick the proper method for you.   

1. Teeth Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are over-the-counter tooth whitening products composed of thin peroxide-coated strips. The layer of peroxide gel lightens your tooth color to give a noticeable result after a few days of application.

Whitening strips are pretty easy to use. You only have to place two strips on the teeth in your upper and lower jaws. The strips have a flexible design to ensure comfort when you put them in your mouth.

Whitening strips can be a great option if you have mild discoloration and staining on your teeth. However, the strips may not always work, depending on what caused the discoloration in the first place. In addition, the adhesive may fail and make the strips ineffective. You may also experience sensitive gums with this whitening option. Talk to your dentist first to help you understand if you're a good fit.

2. Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

While regular toothpaste can remove stains and plaque from your teeth, whitening toothpaste does the same and still helps whiten your teeth. Whitening toothpaste has additional chemical abrasives and polishing agents that are critical for effective stain removal.

But you'd have to use the toothpaste regularly to receive the desired result. Moreover, the special polishing abrasives can gradually eat away at the tooth enamel. Brushing too hard can still expose you to tooth sensitivity and scratching.

Keep in mind that whitening toothpaste may not be enough to remove major stains. You may have to visit your dentist for more practical alternatives.       

3. In-Spa Teeth Whitening

This option is quick and often requires a few visits to your local whitening spa. Our technicians may first advise you on what to expect before they begin the whitening.

At the beginning of your session, our technicians may first ask that you use a finger wipe to remove any debris from teeth.

Next, you will be asked to apply the whitening gel to your teeth and then use a laser to initiate the whitening process. During the process, the gel may foam for a while until removed. This process goes on until your teeth get the right shade of white. Lastly, your technician may rinse out your mouth to remove any gel  residue. You can expect to lift 1-7 shades whiter with cosmetic whitening. Its less invasive as dental and a treatment you can repeat about 3-4 times a year safely.

An in-Spa visit is simply the most favorable option if you want fast and reliable results. Don't hesitate to reach out to our specialists at The Whitening Gals for more information.  

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